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Leeland Road Overpass

The Leeland Road Overpass project is a subset of the Potomac Creek Third Track project that will replace the existing road bridge over the CSX tracks in the vicinity of the Leeland Road VRE station.


As part of the Potomac Creek Third Track project, the road bridge over the railroad at Leeland Road will be reconstructed. This bridge replacement project will increase the road bridge’s horizontal and vertical clearance to construct the third track.

Pictured to the right: the existing road bridge over the railroad tracks looking north.

Project Schedule
Project Benefits
Cost and Funding

Project Status: Engineering Design

This project will replace the existing road bridge and as a subset of the Potomac Creek Third Track  will improve the efficiency and reliability of rail operations to support the planned growth of freight, passenger, and commuter rail traffic in Northern Virginia and the Southeastern United States.

Total Budget: $24 M


Project Details

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