Previous Contracting Opportunities


VPRA contracts with various parties to provide specific services. Please contact John Kostyniuk, Director of Procurement, at 804-339-2604 or [email protected] for additional questions and information.


VPRA is requesting proposals from investment management consultant firms to provide as needed support. All requests for information and questions regarding this procurement should be directed to: Jason Lofgreen, Procurement Buyer, [email protected] . Questions concerning this RFP must be received via email no later than: 7/24/2023 @ 5:00PM. All email communications shall contain “RFP 02-000-23-0001” in the subject line followed by the Offeror’s name.

Investment Management Consultant RFP – Posted July 10, 2023

Investment Management Consultant Q&A – Posted July 28, 2023

VPRA is requesting proposals from consultant firms to provide general engineering services for passenger rail transportation programs and projects in Virginia to be provided on an as-need basis. All requests for information and questions regarding this procurement should be directed to: John Kostyniuk, Director of Procurement, [email protected]. Questions concerning this RFP must be received via email no later than: 10/10/2022 @ 5:00PM. All email communications shall contain “RFP 1-000-22-0005” in the subject line followed by the Offeror’s name.

VPRA RFP 1-000-22-0005 – GEC Bench

VPRA is requesting proposals from consultant firms to provide general planning consultant services for passenger rail transportation programs and projects in Virginia to be provided on an as-need basis. All requests for information and questions regarding this procurement should be directed to: John Kostyniuk, Director of Procurement, [email protected]. Questions concerning this RFP must be received via email no later than: 10/17/2022 @ 5:00PM. All email communications shall contain “RFP 1-000-22-0006” in the subject line followed by the Offeror’s name.

RFP 1-000-22-0006 – GPC Bench

Virginia Passenger Rail Authority (VPRA) is issuing this Request for Proposal (RFP) to solicit proposals from qualified single entities or a team of firms to establish a contract through competitive negotiation for the procurement of as-needed program management services (collectively, the “Program Management Services”) in support of VPRA’s capital and infrastructure improvement program known as Transforming Rail in Virginia (TRV). All requests for information and questions regarding this procurement should be directed to: John Kostyniuk, Director of procurement, [email protected]. Questions concerning this RFP must be received via email no later than: 01/13/2023 @ 5:00PM. All email communications shall contain “RFP 1-000-22-0007” in the subject line followed by the Offeror’s name.

The Virginia Passenger Rail Authority (“VPRA”) is issuing this Request for Qualifications (“RFQ”) to obtain Statements of Qualification (“SOQs”) from firms interested in serving as the Design-Builder under a Progressive Design-Build Agreement (“PDBA”) for the North Package of the Long Bridge project.

The Virginia Passenger Rail Authority (VPRA) is issuing the Request for Proposals (“RFP”) to obtain Proposals from Proposers interested in serving as the CM/GC Contractor for the Franconia-Springfield Bypass Project.

VPRA will host a Site Tour of the Franconia-Springfield Bypass project site, September 1, 2023, noon to 2pm.  Registration is required and a maximum of two people per firm may attend.  Rain or shine.  Click here for details including how to register and meeting and parking locations.

Franconia-Springfield Bypass CMGC RFP – Posted August 4, 2023

CMGC Contract Addendum One – Posted August 18, 2023

CMGC Contract Addendum One (Redline) – Posted August 18, 2023

CMGC Contract General Terms and Conditions Addendum One (Redline) – Posted August 18, 2023

VPRA Response to Proposer Clarifications – Franconia Springfield Bypass RFP – Posted August 31, 2023

Franconia Springfield Bypass – RFP Addendum 2 – Posted September 1, 2023

Redline-RFP 8.4.23 v Addendum 2 – Posted September 1, 2023

Redline – Form of Guaranty Addendum 1 v Addendum 2 – Posted September 1, 2023

Redline – CMGC Agreement Addendum 1 v Addendum 2 – Posted September 1, 2023

Redline – CMGC General Terms and Conditions Addendum 1 v Addendum 2 – Posted September 1, 2023

Redline – RFP Forms 8.4.23 v Addendum 2 – Posted September 1, 2023

VPRA posted the Franconia-Springfield Bypass Draft RFP on 6/30/23 seeking Industry feedback. The changes to that RFP are reflected in the Redline comparing the draft RFP with the Final RFP posted 8/4/23.

Redline – Industry Draft RFP

Redline – Payment Bond Industry Draft RFP

Redline – Performance Bond Industry Draft RFP

Historical Documents

The Virginia Passenger Rail Authority (“VPRA”) is issuing this Request for Proposals (“RFP”) to obtain Proposals from firms interested in providing and implementing a cloud-based project management information system providing digital program and project management functionality.

All requests for information and questions regarding this procurement should be directed to: Jason Lofgreen, Procurement Buyer, [email protected] .

Questions concerning this RFP must be received via email no later than: October 10, 2023 @ 5:00PM. All email communications shall contain “RFP 01-000-23-0002” in the subject line followed by the Offeror’s name.

The Virginia Passenger Rail Authority (“VPRA”) is issuing this Request for Proposals (“RFP”) to solicit Proposals from qualified entities interested in Marketing and Communications Support.

All requests for information and questions regarding this procurement should be directed to: Slade Greenway, Procurement Buyer, [email protected].

Questions concerning this RFP must be received via email no later than: April 1, 2024 @ 5:00PM. All email communications shall contain “RFP 1-000-24-0002” in the subject line followed by the Offeror’s name.