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Transforming Rail in Virginia’s program of projects is advancing recommendations from the Washington, DC to Richmond Southeast High-Speed Rail (DC2RVA) study. The rail corridor between DC and Richmond is part of a larger nationwide higher-speed intercity passenger rail network identified by USDOT and the states of VA and NC. Completed in 2019, DC2RVA is an environmental document with preliminary rail design that fulfills the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).

DC2RVA Document Library

The DC2RVA study had the goal of increasing high-speed rail options from Washington, DC, to Richmond, VA, through the use of existing rail infrastructure, corridors, and railroad right-of-way and adding four new higher-speed intercity round trips to the corridor.

Final Environmental Impact Statement
Appendix A: Draft EIS Errata Table
Appendix B: Agency & Organization Responses
Appendix C: Detailed Responses to General Public Comments
Appendix D: Updated Cultural Resources Reports
Appendix E: Updated Section 106 and Section 4(f) Comments and Coordination
Appendix F: Refined Operations Analysis Modeling Technical Memos
Appendix G: Ashland/Hanover Area Community Advisory Committee Final Summary Report
Appendix H: Resolution of the Commonwealth Transportation Board
Appendix I: DC2RVA Recommendation Report
Appendix J: Richmond Area Turning Wye and Service Yard Alternatives Technical Memo
Appendix K: Section 106 Draft Memorandum of Agreement
Appendix L: Preferred Alternative Mapbook
Appendix M: Updated Environmental Resource Mapbooks
* File sizes are approximate.
Draft Environmental Impact Statement
Appendices B – V
Appendix H: Aerial Mapbooks of Build Alternatives Area 6 – Richmond
Appendix M: Natural Resource Technical Report
Appendix P: Noise and Vibration Technical Report
Appendix R: Cultural Resources Reports
*An architectural reconnaissance survey of the PCAR segment (Segment 5) was completed by McCormick Taylor as part of a previous study of the Powells Creek to Arkendale area and was incorporated into the DC2RVA Draft EIS by reference.
Appendix V: Scoping and Outreach Materials
*File sizes are approximate
Section 106 Records
Memorandum of Agreement (Amended)
Section 106 Re-Initiation Letter
Additional Information
*The amended MOA adds the Shockoe Hill Burying Ground Historic District (which encompasses three major properties previously listed in the National Register of Historic Places: The Almshouse, Shockoe Hill Cemetery, and Hebrew Cemetery and three newly identified sites—the City Hospital and Colored Almshouse Site, the Shockoe Hill African Burying Ground, and the City Powder Magazine Site). On June 16, 2022 and the Shockoe Hill African Burying Ground (44HE1203) was expanded and determined to be eligible for listing in the NRHP and a contributing element to the Shockoe Hill Burying Ground Historic District after the 2019 MOA was executed, and this new information required additional consultation among the Signatories and the Consulting Parties.